Delaware is hosting a Career Fair on April 9th! For more information and to register for the event!  

Check out our New Military Spouse Transition Network. More Info logo

Delaware Employment Link
Explore. Apply. Succeed.

Your Future

The State of Delaware offers Comprehensive Retirement and Savings Plans to help YOU build a secure future.

  • Pension Plan
    The State offers a generous pension. Employees become vested at ten (10) years of service.
  • Correctional Officer Series
    Employees in a Correctional Officer (CO) series position will be eligible to retire under the provisions of HB207 if they are employed as Hazardous Duty Level A-1 at the time of retirement, have completed twenty-five (25) years of pension creditable State service, and with at least twenty (20) of those years of pension creditable service as a CO series classified position as Hazardous Duty Level A-1.
  • Deferred Compensation
    Saving for retirement has never been easier or more cost effective. The State's deferred compensation plan provides employees with a means of building wealth for their futures in a flexible, easy to use and best of all tax deferred environment.
