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Delaware Employment Link
Explore. Apply. Succeed.

Meeting the Challenge

Probation and Parole Officer I

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must have education, training and/or experience demonstrating competence in each of the following areas:

  1. At least 20 and ½ years of age.
  2. Possession of a Bachelors degree or higher in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Psychology, Sociology, Human Services or related field.
  3. Possession of a valid Driver’s License (not suspended, revoked or cancelled, or disqualified from driving).


  1. At least 20 and ½ years of age.
  2. At least 60 college credits.
  3. Knowledge of case management which includes assessing, planning, developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating options and services to meet an individual's human service needs.
  4. Knowledge of behavior management which includes understanding, explaining, describing and predicting behavior, studying the connection between behavior and its causes and identifying appropriate behavior modification strategies for individual situations.
  5. Knowledge of interviewing which includes using structured or unstructured interview techniques to obtain facts, explore issues and identify courses of action.
  6. Knowledge of narrative report writing.

Possession of a valid Driver’s License (not suspended, revoked or cancelled, or disqualified from driving).

Written Examination

A written test is required. Test Study Guides are available to help you prepare. Applicants scheduled for examinations will be required to show photo identification to the exam proctor before taking the exam.


If you have been separated from any branch of the armed forces, you must have a discharge that is “honorable” or “under honorable conditions”. You must produce a copy of your DD214 before you can be hired.

Background Investigation

A satisfactory criminal background check is a condition of hire.

You must complete a lengthy Personal History Statement (PHS). The information given will be checked by the Internal Affairs Unit of the Department of Correction. The investigator will complete a check of employment, criminal history, DMV history and personal references.

Applicants with any of the following cannot be considered for employment:

  • Currently on probation or have been on probation within the last four (4) years;
  • Two misdemeanor convictions;
  • Felony conviction;
  • Drug or domestic violence convictions;
  • Two or more DUI convictions or DUI (First Offenders Option) sentence within two (2) years of applying.


Questions will be based on: employment history/education; judgment and problem-solving skills; career interest; and personality/interpersonal skills. Some of these questions will be very specific to the position of the Probation and Parole Officer. However, you are not expected to have specific job knowledge.

Drug Testing

Upon a conditional offer, you must undergo pre-employment drug testing as part of the hiring process.

Physical Condition

Individuals selected for this position are required to participate in and pass all phases of a mandatory training program.

  • You must be in good physical condition.
  • You must be able to run a mile, break-up fights, carry persons of varying heights and weights, restrain one or more persons in violent encounters and engage in strenuous activity while wearing a gas mask in a smoke-filled environment.

Basic Training

Prior to District Office assignment, candidates must successfully complete all phases of a thirteen-week Probation and Parole Officer basic training course. This course is administered by the Department of Correction at the Employee Development Center. Coursework includes physical, classwork, and hands-on training. Instruction is provided in the areas of offender supervision, defensive tactics, legal issues, weapons, report writing, and emergency medical training.

Basic Training: Requires that Trainees participate daily in a vigorous Aerobic Circuit Exercise Training program (A.C.E.T.) throughout eleven weeks of initial basic training.

  • Must pass the formal physical fitness test that is administered during the fourth week of training.

  • Complete Defensive Tactics and Restraint Training which includes knife disarming, defense from violent assault and control and come-along techniques, as well as blocking, escape and handcuffing techniques.

  • Complete Weapons Training involving moderate stress in live fire operations at the range. Maximum supervision is provided to ensure operational safety. It includes the description, nomenclature, operation and safety precautions of the weapons covered. Dry firing is followed by live firing and finally qualification with each weapon.

  • Complete Riot Control Training including instruction in the use of 36" batons, gas masks, and exposure to harassing chemical agents and direct contact with Oleoresin Capsicum. Marching and squad tactics are vigorously executed directly as trainees perform scenarios as a team.

  • Complete Self Contained Breathing Training involving fire rescue work. Training includes the use of self-contained breathing equipment, thermal inversion, and exposure to a smoke-filled maze type setting. Carrying heavy backpacks and safety apparatus is required as well as movement on hands and knees in a smoke-filled environment.

Psychological Examination

As a condition of employment with the Delaware Department of Correction, Probation and Parole applicants must take and pass a pre-employment Psychological Examination. The test and interview with a Licensed Psychologist is performed to determine an applicant's suitability to serve as a law enforcement officer.
