Delaware is hosting a Career Fair on April 9th! For more information and to register for the event!  

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Delaware Employment Link
Explore. Apply. Succeed.


Career Ladder:

Positions that are classified as Career Ladder afford eligible employees in those positions movement along a career path without competition upon successfully meeting all promotional standards.

Casual/Seasonal Employees:

Casual/Seasonal employees serve in positions that are not covered by the Merit Rules and are not benefit-eligible. These positions may be part-time or full-time, but are intended to provide support for a pre-defined limited period of time.

Class Series:

Classifications in the same occupation with progressively higher levels of responsibility and difficulty. (Example: Human Resource Specialist I, Human Resource Specialist II, Human Resource Specialist III)


The movement of an employee from a position in a class of a higher pay grade to a position in a class of a lower pay grade.


A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual, a record of such impairment or being regarded as having such an impairment.

Eligibility List:

A list of qualified candidates that applied to a job posting and meet the job requirements for that class.

Essential Functions:

The fundamental job duties of a position.


A written test, physical ability test or other type of test to assess qualifications for employment.

Hazardous Duty Pay:

Pay for uncontrollable circumstances that involve an unusual risk of serious physical injury, impairment to health or death resulting from accidental, negligent or intentional causes.

Job Classification:

The grouping of individual jobs into classes based on the type of work, similar duties and responsibilities and job requirements.

Job Requirements:

Minimum entry requirements (including Selective Requirements) which must be met for an individual to be eligible for appointment to a position or to take an examination. These requirements typically include minimum levels or types of education, training or experience or completion of specified examinations.

Merit Agency:

State government agencies that are in this category are governed by a Merit System of Personnel Administration. Jobs that are classified as merit positions are subject to the Merit System Rules and Regulations. Pay, benefits, recruitment, screening/ranking and certification are subject to the provisions of Chapters 4-8 of the Merit Rules.

Not Qualified Appeal:

A request submitted by an applicant to Human Resource Management to re-evaluate their employment application due to a rating of not meeting the job requirements or “Not Qualified”.

Occupational Series:

A series of classifications within the same occupational field.

Pay Grade:

There are pay grades 1 through 26 in the Merit System 37.5 and 40 hour pay tables.

Pay Range:

The range of salary in a Pay Grade from the lowest to the highest dollar amount.

Preferential Qualification:

A Preferential Qualification is used on a job posting indicating the desired education/training and/or experience. Applicants who meet the job requirements but not the preferred qualification still qualify.

Probationary Periods:

Initial Probationary Period: An Initial Probationary Period is the required trial period of employment which occurs when an employee first enters the Merit service.

Class Probationary Period: A Class Probationary Period is the required trial period of employment which occurs when a Merit employee is promoted.


When there are greater than 30 qualified candidates for a job posting, those candidates meeting the job requirements are assigned a score based on a combination of education, training, experience, and if applicable, an on-line examination.

Referral List:

A list of names issued to the hiring manager for consideration of an interview.


The rehiring of an individual into the same class within a 2 year period from which the individual left the position in good standing.


The process by which applicants are evaluated for a position.

Selective Market Variation (SMV):

Pay scales for classifications designed to support the State's efforts in competing with surrounding markets for the recruitment and retention of qualified employees in those fields.

Selective Requirement:

Additional job requirements reflected on a job posting to screen applicants in addition to the Job Requirements for the classification. Applicants who do not possess the “Selective Requirement” along with the job requirements will not qualify.

Shift Differential Pay:

Compensation for working hours and schedules as authorized at the agency's discretion and described below:

Night Shift: A shift which includes four or more hours of work between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following day.

Rotating Shift: A change in a work schedule 1.) For at least two days in a work week which includes 4 or more hours of work daily, or 2.) That involves different schedules with no more than 30 days on a shift which does not qualify as night shift.

Split Shift: Any shift which is broken into two parts with two or more hours between the parts. Employees authorized and required by agencies to work split shifts shall receive supplemental pay for the entire shift.


Filling a position in a lower pay grade than the position is authorized.
