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Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement Careers

Undercover Investigations... Enforcement...
Preserving Homeland Security...

Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement The Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement (ATE) is a state law enforcement agency. Agents have statewide jurisdiction and arrest powers, which give them full authority to enforce all laws of the State of Delaware, including liquor, drug, criminal and traffic statutes. Due to the nature of investigations, Agents primarily work in an undercover capacity. Agents conduct investigations that involve selling alcohol without a license, selling alcohol and/or tobacco products to minors, over-service of alcohol to intoxicated patrons, prostitution, illegal gambling, illegal narcotics, hidden ownership, tobacco smuggling, tax evasion, organized criminal activity, disorderly premises and any other violation of law that they may encounter during the normal course of an agent's duties.

Consider joining our team today!

Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement Careers
